2010 has brought about a time of reflection for me. Being in this sort of mood motivated me to blog. Drew and I have almost been married for almost thirteen years As I think back over our life together I can't help but to feel like time is flying by! The past thirteen years have been a life of struggles, joy, happiness, and confusion. Most importantly it's been a life FULL of love. I can't believe how far we've come as family....

I love this man more everyday. He is my best friend and partner in everything!
On top of that...two darn near PERFECT kids. Of course, I'll always say that because I love 'em no matter what.
Being a mom is the greatest. Every day I look into my kids eyes and see how fast they are growing. The questions they ask and the situations they are faced with are proof that this time in my life is moving fast. I wish I could keep them young and innocent forever but I can't.

Then there is Cane. My sweet baby boy. He is equally as awesome as Alley but completely different. He is very sensitive but he loves to make people laugh. We can never really know what Cane will say. He is our wild card!
I've had people ask me if there is truth in the phrase.. "you're gonna miss this."
Oh Yeah! It is so true!
I found myself making more time for wii games, tossing the football with Cane and girl talk with Alley. The three of us laying cramped up on the couch together laughing, talking or praying is the greatest place on earth. I don't want to miss these moments. These moments are what life is about. So we've come a long way. This life journey we are on as a family is the narrow path less worn.